Sunday, August 8, 2010

Emails...At Last

I honestly believe that if I didn’t have a cell phone alert set up to notify me when I receive an email from TB, I would never leave the computer. In situations like this you really have to love modern technology! Yesterday I finally heard from TB. Happily, I was home when his email arrived, so I was able to answer right away. I never expected a reply, but sure enough, an hour later he wrote back. We spent the next hour trading emails. He caught me up, as well as he could, on what he’s been doing. I was dismayed to hear that he still hasn’t received the rest of the boxes I sent. Apparently supplies are running low, too. He seemed concerned about the morale of his soldiers. And me? I’m concerned about his morale. Always looking out for others…who’s looking out for him? I’m so thankful there’s a gym for him to use. Working out is a huge stress reliever for him. When he’s down or has a problem to work out, he hits the gym and gets back in the groove. Pushing himself physically is therapeutic for TB. I wish I was more like that, but as far as I’m concerned, sweat and extreme physical exertion are not my idea of mental or emotional therapy.

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