Friday, June 18, 2010

Busy Week

School ended last week, but this week was still busy. There is always a lot that teachers need to do after the school year is over. This year we had two longtime, beloved teachers retire. It's not really good-bye as I know I will be seeing them, but it's still difficult. Wednesday evening we had a wonderful Aloha party at a staff member's home. Everyone brought a dish to share and the food and camaraderie were memorable. Last night two other friends and I went out to eat with my Bestie (as the kids say). It was a lot of fun and something I hope we will do often. She's been my rock when I thought my world was going to fall apart and it will be hard not to have her a few steps away. But I know she is just a phone call away and a short drive from school.

TB was very busy with last minute details, packing, and getting his mind set on what lies ahead. He's a little concerned that I am going to fall apart when he makes that last phone call. He's stuck to chatting online and text messages the past few days. To his credit, though, he has made a point of keeping me informed as much as he can. I'll be all right when he calls. I know how important it is to him.

On another note, today I received a phone call from the first soldier I adopted through Soldiers' Angels in 2006. It was quite a surprise! He thought I might not recognize his voice. That's pretty funny considering how often we've talked. I even met him and his family a few years ago when he was at Ft. Jackson for a class. I guess he just knew I wouldn't be expecting a call from him in Afghanistan. Since TB's Brigade is their replacement, he will be home soon, so I can expect another call from Maine. He's going to keep an eye out for TB. It would be wonderful if they could meet - my two special soldiers who call me Mom.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet is that !! He's going soon but still worries about you.
    Your 'sons' meeting over there would be so great ! I know it will be hard to receive that last phone call from TB, but stay strong, he will need it ;-) But if you need anything, even if it's just a shoulder, I may be far away but I'll always be there for you <3 ~ Pauline
