Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Box

A week or so ago TB said he was sending a box. There were some important papers that he wanted me to keep. He said the box was heavy and I would need help carrying it to the car. I thought that was odd. He remembered that last fall I mentioned seeing bags online that were made from old uniforms. I thought that would be such a cool thing to have. Frankly, I had forgotten all about it. The box had some old uniforms for me. When the box arrived no one was home so our postal carrier left a note saying it could be picked up the next day at the post office. I told TB and he reminded me again that the box was heavy. I thought it was so sweet that he was concerned about that. He was right; the box was big...and heavy! Inside were 6 old BDU shirts and pants, a hat, the documents, photographs, a baseball signed by his squad when they were in Iraq, two military bags, and his reenlistment flag. He wants me to keep the documents safe, of course, but everything else is for me. One bag will be great for traveling. I'm especially touched about the flag.

When I originally saw the uniform bags online, I mentioned them to a friend at school. She is an excellent seamstress and offered to make one for me if TB ever sent a uniform. When I told her about the box, she immediately offered to try her hand at making a bag. I'm excited about that. We even discussed using one of the pants legs to make a bag to hold Mini-B.

1 comment:

  1. It's so touching !! Send us a picture of that bag when it will be done, ok? ;-)
