Sunday, October 17, 2010

What a Sweetheart!

I believe this is the longest I've gone without posting. I was away for a few days last week on a school camping trip and there's always so much to do beforehand that it's hard to get to everything.

A little over a week ago my phone rang. It was an odd number and I know what that means. Sure enough it was TB. We talked briefly and then he said he was calling because one of his soldiers received a package from his Angel who is also my good friend. The soldier wanted to call her and say thanks. I had the opportunity to chat with that young man briefly. He was so sweet and appreciative. This particular soldier was the one TB had been concerned about because he did not get any mail during the last mail drop. TB and I talked for a short time, mostly about the flowers, and then he had to go.

The next day TB called again. He was somewhat chagrined because he was so focused on his soldier the day before that he neglected to say anything about the packages he received from me. We talked for a little over an hour and as is his way he encouraged me to ask all the questions I had filed away in my head. When he was satisfied that I had all the information I wanted, he talked about some of the things that are heavy on his mind. Bless his heart he has so much to deal with. Some of it is related to where he is and his rank. That I can understand. It’s the drama from friends who don’t fully understand that dumping all their problems on him is unfair. He’s so tired of people complaining about their bad restaurant experiences, venting about traffic and roommates, and whining about work.

Thursday evening after my return from camping I was surprised to see TB online. He had just finished guard duty. It was very late and he was exhausted. He had an early mission the next day, but wanted to get online to see if I was there…just to make sure I was back and find out how the trip went. What a sweetheart!

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