Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Military Families

TB’s deployment has opened a world to me that I wish more Americans could see. Because I have a dear friend whose husband was deployed, I am not completely new to the emotional roller coaster military families endure. I’ve become friends with families who have sons in TB's brigade. We share our fears, joys, frustrations, anxieties, and tears. Many of the parents have no military background or deployment experience, but we learn together as we lean on each other. We have become a safe place to ask questions, seek advice, and share our emotional highs and lows.

Deployment does not put a halt to the difficulties of life. Our small group of 35 families has dealt with death, divorce, medical problems, accidents, pregnancies, and much more while worrying about their Soldier’s safety and living conditions. Military families make tremendous sacrifices. They are strong, caring people who learn what to say when their Soldier loses a buddy, how to put on their game face, as TB says, which questions to ask and which to let go. They learn to accept long periods of silence and to make the most of a 15 minute phone call.  Meanwhile, they carry on with their jobs, their household responsibilites, their lives in the best way they can.

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