Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to School

Tuesday was our first day of school. I've been looking forward to the new year because I know it will keep me busy. I didn't expect TB to have internet access when school started, so we have both had to adjust to that. I'm usually busy with my class when he's online, so we haven't chatted too much the last few days. Yesterday evening he got up in the middle of the night and we had a nice long chat. Today I didn't see him at all, but he posted a message on my Facebook wall. It's the little things like that that help you get through the day.

Monday TB was very excited because he received a package from me. I keep a record of each package and what's in it. There are a few boxes that haven't reached him yet - a small electric heater, instant oatmeal, a hot pot and tea, and a blanket. None of these things would be of much use to him where he is now. Those boxes would need to be sent on to his permanent base. Oddly enough the box he received had body wash, lotion, and other items that he really needed. He was so happy! Once again we are both amazed at the way things work out. What good would the box with the heater have been to him? But getting that box with hygiene items was perfect timing! A buddy back at TB's permanent base said he has mail waiting there, so I suppose the other boxes were sent on.

1 comment:

  1. Chatting several times a day now! Even more frequently than before deployment! lol
